Examples for concluded projects

and Change Management

  • Analysis, concept development and implementation of a new sales and marketing organisation at the Swedish daughter company of a global pharmaceutical company
  • Analysis, concept development, internal decision process and implementation for a Nordic set-up of the Market Access department at the Nordic daughter company of a global pharmaceutical company
  • Analysis, concept adjustment and guidance on the primary care sales organisation and processes in a Swedish daughter company of a global pharmaceutical company

Market Access

  • Guidance and coaching of pharmaceutical companies for a new reimbursement process called 3 party negotiations in Sweden (in total for 7 negotiation processes with 4 different companies)
  • Guidance and consulting for pharmaceutical tender processes within hepatitis C in all Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland) during 3 consecutive years
  • Consulting and coaching on reimbursement processes in all 4 Nordic countries for the launch of an oncology product (7 months interim)
  • Analysis, guidance and consulting on organisation and processes in the Market Access department of a Nordic daughter company of a global rare diseases company
  • Nordic Tender and Pricing Processes – definition and implementation of new processes and coaching of 2 tender and pricing managers (12 months interim)
  • Nordic Market Access responsibility for the launch of an ophthalmology product (12 months interim)
  • Nordic Market Access responsibility for the launch of  haematology products (12 months interim)
  • Consulting on and implementing Market Access activities in Sweden for a genetic test for breast cancer 
  • Swedish Market Access responsibility for the launch of a Covid-19 treatment (22 months interim)


  • Preparation and coordination of the launch of an oncology product in all 4 Nordic countries (7 months interim)
  • Medical Advisor for the launch of a Covid-19 treatment in Sweden (22 months interim)


Strategy and Planning

  • Development of a business plan for a start-up biotechnology company

Political and Societal processes

  • Development of a concept to prioritise a certain group of hepatitis C patients for treatment with a new pharmaceutical product including identification of ways finding these patients
  • Development of a concept for a round table discussion on oncology treatment including improvement of funding and access
  • Analysing the situation in Sweden concerning monitoring of real world data and identifying ways to set up a pilot project